Will your child soon be having a birthday? If so, you are more than likely wanting him or her to celebrate his or her special day with best friends. From sending out handmade invitations to arranging for the kids to play at a mini golf course, here are some ideas that might help you to plan a memorable and fun event.
The Birthday Party Invitations - Of course, you can find adorable invitations that are ready to be filled out and mailed. However, it might be more fun for you and your son or daughter to make the invitations yourselves. You certainly don't have to be a gifted artist to make a clever invitation. For example, if your child can draw a happy face on the front of a white sheet of paper, you can help him or her cut out triangular shapes that can be added to look like party hats. If you do that, you could even add a rhinestone or a small button to give the party hat a bit more drama.
Another idea is to pick a theme for your child's party. For example, if you will be going to a mini golf course for the main part of the party, your child can draw a stick figure or even a more elaborate picture of a person swinging at a small ball. Or, even a picture of a golf club and a ball next to it would be easy to do. Make it colorful to add interest to the card. Don't forget to include a space for RSVPs so you'll have at least an approximate number of guests who will be attending.
The Birthday Party Activity - Consider having the kids go to a mini golf course. If you decide to do so, be sure to call ahead of time to reserve space, telling the clerk how many children will be in your group. If the group is a large one, consider asking another parent or two to come to help, even if you and your spouse are both going to be present. Mini golf courses are a fun and affordable activity for kids of all ages.
Another idea is to have the birthday party at a place where many games are available. For example, a pizza restaurant might have choices like mini golf, bowling, a jump house and other fun activities. Find out if you can bring a birthday cake into the establishment.
For more information, reach out to companies like Bonanza Golf and Gifts.